“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
— Frederick Douglass, American social reformer, abolitionist, writer, and statesman

25 years of Service
When MCSR emerged as an innovator in the field of gender-based violence prevention, the potential of boys and men as catalysts for positive change was wholly unrecognized and untapped—and the intersections of race, gender, socio-economic status, oppression, and violence were largely unexamined in the field.
Real work, real people
Meet the professionals working to harness the untapped potential of boys and men as catalysts for positive change through youth development programs, trainings and technical assistance for professionals and service providers worldwide, and effective campaigns.

The Social Ecological Model
The Social Ecological Model, advocated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a model for primary prevention of sexual assault, recognizes that individuals do not exist in isolation. Instead, they exist within complex interplays of contextual factors, both micro and macro, that the model describes as “individual, relationship, community, and societal.”
Join Our Team
Building on our 25 years of transformational work, you’re invited to join us in the ever-expanding field of healthy masculinity and the enduring legacy of engaging boys and men in personal development, primary violence prevention, and the prevention of all forms of gender-based violence.